Below is everything (newest at top) with "education+civics+rights+" in its title or subcategories.
speaking of rights, it's so sad that the whole case against trump was that he SPOKE. So it seems, leftists don't like that those with ideas contrary to their beliefs dare to use their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to speak their opinion. I they get away with it for trump, the rest of us could be next (of course, some will say that th... read more
News to take them away. on YouTube ... read more
Just enforce the Bill of Rights and all unlawful activity will come to a halt. This is what our true founders from the uprising of April 19, 1775 intended.: of Rights Common ... read more
Get your county to join CSPOApocatellochubbuckob/2021/06/14/elko-nevada-becomes-second-county-in-nation-to-join-cspoa-vow-protection-of-all-constitutional-rights/... read more
Since the (as James Corbett says) powers that should not be don't like the US Bill of Rights and have no qualms violating it, maybe they should know they're also violating the UN's own titleclick here Decl... read more
I asked the policeman for the ordinance number being violated, because they can't put handcuffs on you if they cannot tell you why they're detaining you.: titledistributing leaflets hrefht... read more