Below is everything (newest at top) with "education+language+english+" in its title or subcategories. AUSTRALIA DROPS PLAN TO FINE SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS ACCUSED OF ENABLING MISINFORMATION( education / language / english )Australia's government said it had dropped plans to fine internet platforms up to 5% of their global revenue for failing to prevent the spread of misinformation online.... read more WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CHEST OF DRAWERS AND A BUREAU( education / language / english )
LAMBAST VS. LAMBASTE( education / language / english )
WORD OF THE DAY: FASCISM( education / language / english )
FOREIGN WORDS WE USE IN ENGLISH( education / language / english )
AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORDS THAT SEEM TO BE UNIVERSAL( education / language / english )Judging by foreign-language TV shows/movies I've watched, here are a few English and/or American-English words / mutterings / phrases that now seem universal, no matter which language you speak:Mm-hmm or uh-huh -- meaning yes;OK or okay;Hey;Super pronounced supah -- meaning great;Of course, the Ital... read more COOL WEBSITE: WORDNIK( education / language / english )
WORD OF THE DAY: DINKUM( education / language / english )
WORD OF THE DAY: PARSIMONIOUS( education / language / english )Our word of the day is parsimonious(par-si-MO-nee-uhs)adjective: Excessively sparing or frugal. Etymology From Middle English parcimony, from Latin parsimonia, from parcere (to spare). First recorded use: 1598. Usage President Calvin Coolidge was so with words that he became known... read more |