Below is everything (newest at top) with "education+science+astronomy+" in its title or subcategories. MARCH 25TH ASTEROID FLY-BY( education / science / astronomy ) Fly-By ... read more JUPITER, I THINK( education / science / astronomy )Last night, there was a huge star to the southwest of me (in middle Tennessee) just after dark. It was so big, I first thought it was a plane or jet, but it never moved. Then I had a hunch (because I was suddenly jovial?) it might be Jupiter, and page see... read more METEORITE THAT COULD HOLD SECRETS OF SOLAR SYSTEM HITS FAMILY DRIVEWAY. THEY THOUGHT IT WAS CHARCOAL FROM GRILL( education / science / astronomy )An English family has been astounded to find themselves at the center of a major scientific discovery that's had scientists weak at the kneesas their driveway has been hit by the most valuable space rock ever to fall on Britain. read more NEW SUPER EARTH DISCOVERED NEAR ONE OF OUR GALAXY'S OLDEST STARS( education / science / astronomy )A hot, rocky super Earth, near one of the oldest stars in the galaxy has taken a team of planet-hunting scientists by surprise. The planet is about 50 percent larger than Earth but requires less than half a day to orbit its star. For every day youre on Earth,... goodnewsnetwork.or... read more WHOOPS, HUMANS MADE A SPACE BARRIER AROUND EARTH( education / science / astronomy )I just found this article while researching the Van Allen belts.The kicker? It's actually saving us. Forget the Karman line, there's a human-made space barrier to wonder about, first observed by NASA in 2017. The mysterious zone of anthropogenic space weather is caused by specific kinds of radio waves t... read more HUNDREDS OF MINOR PLANETS FOUND BEYOND NEPTUNE IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM( education / science / astronomy )Researchers have successfully identified 316 minor planets beyond Neptune, 139 of which are completely new, in a discovery which could bring us... read more |