Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+health+covid+" in its title or subcategories.
Check here to see if your covid shot is on the safe list or the harmful/fatal list: ... read more
20 million saved or 20 million is treason in the empire of liesAn article in the Lancet claims that 20 million lives were saved with the use of injections. (Note, the injections are not 'vaccines', they are gene t... read more
the most important thing she said is that by 2000 big pharma was
becoming far less profitable due to generic drugs, and that's why they
designed the mrna an lipid nanoparticle technology to make people ,more
prone to autoimmune diseases that were previously rare and very
profitable to treat.
On 8/8/22 17:18:
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There was no increase in wound infections when masks were discarded in 1980; in fact there was a significant decrease.I wouldn't call 0.05 percent significant but still, it proves there's no point wearing one. Unless you're in a hazmat suit, don't bother.: t... read more
If it was about protecting our health, if there was an actual pandemic, these hospitals would not let ANY covid-positive employees through the door, vaccinated or not. Luckily for those covid-positive employees, their results were most likely a false positive, or they simply had the sniffles.From an email sent to me, here's your lit... read more
It's not even an epidemic, let alone a pandemic. And all coronaviruses, not just influenza, have been verbally weaponized to trigger fear and panic.No need for these new vaccines or fear or anger. What we have been witnessing the past couple of years now is simply brain-dead and/or spineless bureaucrats (and technocrats) drunk with ... read more
The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common weed that is exterminated from lawns... read more
A veteran British nurse's recent letter of resignation. A longish read, yet many points well made. Her points echo those of others coming up time and again in what has become an all too familiar pattern.Dear Ms Sutcliffe and all Executive Directors,I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years service,... read more
(Natural News) Though viruses are known for causing disease, not all of them are harmful. In fact, some viruses in your body are important for your overall health and may even help eliminate infections. Called bacteriophages, these good viruses are natural antibiotics that pack a mean punch against bad bacteria.... read more
Throughout the past 16 months of covid, we have been told to follow the science. How has that worked out? We have heeded each word of the guru of science, 'Dr.' Anthony Fauci, the Pied Piper of the Chinese coronavirus, who has graced magazine covers and spent more time being... https:... read more
It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It's unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by covid measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and you... read more
I just got this appointment reminder from my dentist. Here is my response:If you're still requiring face masks, just cancel all future appointments until you stop with that pointless charade. Also, you need to STOP using the CDC as your go-to source on anything covid-related. They have lost all credibility.... read more help fight the medical and political tyranny behind this push for unnecessary vaccines and quarantines. Please consider doing the same at the bottom of the following page: read more
Someone in an official position of influence coming out and saying what you and I already knew (or should have known): our natural immune system is superior to this rushed-to-market mystery concoction they're calling a vaccine.: targetbla... read more
Good article, if only because it sums up the world's prevailing mindset fairly well....they simply rolled up their sleeve and allowed themselves to be injected with an unknown substance with unknown risks. Which is Jim Jonesian, almost. The mindless, even hysterical Faith is certainly the same. The only real diffe... read more
I've said it before and will say it again: More often than not, coronavirus cases are simply the common cold or flu. We never freaked out over sad but typical yearly flu deaths, and we should NOT be freaking out now. You have to pay close attention to the wording used by mainstream/corporate media outlets. They're not always tech... read more
CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have covid, but just Influenza A or B -- EU statistics: 'Corona' virtually disappeared, even under mortality.: tar... read more
: You Shouldn't Take Any Of The Experimental mRNA Treatments And, this is an excellent interview by the f... read more
Governments around the world claim they are following the science but thanks to Big Tech anyone who really follows the true science gets kicked off, banned, etc. They have suppressed true science and that's why this peer reviewed study of mask science from November 2020 has likely never been shown to you or anyone. You would have... read more
Deception is Not True ConsentMarch 12, 2021 -- All over the world, people are suffering under the Coronavirus measures imposed, or are even literally perishing... read more
Evidence-based medical information should be the determining factor in all governmental healthcare rules, policies and procedures. Easton... read more
Derrick Broze reports on a new Lancet article which calls attention to the flaws in the PCR method for determining positive covid19 cases. Source: The Lancet Journals Watch on... read more
FRANKLIN, TN -- March 4, 2021 -- Seven-time bestselling author, renowned financial expert, and radio host Dave Ramsey is publicly endorsing a groundbreaking bill produced by local, grassroots organization Tennessee Stands, sponsored by Senator Joey Hensley and Representative Susan Lynn. An employer of nearly 1000 Tennesseans, Ramsey decided to p... read more
PCR testing (polymerase chain reaction testing) has come under fire from numerous doctors, scientists, politicians and journalists since the beginning of this pandemic. Not everyone would know this if their only source of information was mainstream media... at read more
On 2/7/21 5:58 AM:I like these comments on this article: I think there is a good chance they are using the pande... read more
She's an emergency room doctor who believes in vaccines and has had many vaccines for self and children, BUT covid vaccine unnecessary per the CDC figures:
untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are under 20 years old: 99.997%
untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 21 to 50 years old: 99.98%
untreated survi... read more
For the dim-witted out there, that means THERE IS NO PANDEMIC. Maybe by using this image at full size, people will notice... and realize there is no pandemic and, therefore, no need for masks or this vaccine. The last year mentioned in the graphic is 2019. /images/meme-total-deaths-each-year.webp... read more
Even the Robert Koch Institute and other health authorities cannot present decisive proof that a new virus named SARS-CoV-2 is haunting us. This alone turns the talk of dangerous viral mutations into irresponsible fearmongering and the so-called SARS-CoV-2 PCR... read more
In other words, it's a setup. The vaccine makes sure you die from whatever virus next attacks your body, bypassing your immune systemIn animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats... read more
Do you ever get the feeling you're being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The Gateway Pundit reported news from the CDC in August that only 6%... read more
ICAN's legal team, led by Aaron Siri, has taken legal action to challenge employers/schools that require their employees/students to receive a covid-19 vaccine. Employers and schools that previously required the covid-19 vaccine have dropped those requirements! This includes an employer that did so on the hee... read more
You have to give them credit. I never would have thought they could get the entire world to freak out over the common cold and flu. You do realize most of these cases are plain old cold and flu infection, right? Yeah. Who knew? Oh wait, they knew all along! Ah, well, live and learn. That should teach us not to put so much trust in national hea... read more
... and no one should take any authority's word as gospel. Think for yourself, people!
Early in the 'pandemic,' 'trust the science!' could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that ... read more
How long is this knee-jerk, fear-based official response (a.k.a., over- feedburnerover-reaction ) going to continue? Cases these days mean nothing more than the common cold and flu. And, news flash, peo... read more
Posted by Ruan on January 2, 2021 at 12:34amIt is a play on words, simple math, and the assumption that you are stupid. I'm just a lowly aid who changes beds and sterilizes equipment yet I could easily get laid off right now because, well...I am not needed. Th... read more
...assuming the word implies excess deaths. And here are some actual numbers for those who fell for the scam:Dr. David Samadi, MD @drdavidsamadiDeaths in the USA over the years...2010: 2.5M2011: 2.5M2012: 2.5M2013 :2.6M2014: 2.6M2015: 2.7M2016: 2.7M2017: 2.8M2018: 2.8M2019: 2.9M... read more
Good news for sanity and common sense!: science evidence or logic ... read more
: One of the first lessons in an economics class is every actio... read more
: Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from covid-19 is more than a thousand-fold hig... read more
covid vaccine? No thanks. I trust my immune system more than I trust Big Pharma science. As I said in my novel, Way: Beyond the Status Quo , Question everything! That's the scientific method, although too many scientists are not very scientific. They'll c... read more
This virus covid-19 is no more deadly than a seasonal flu for people under age 70. This is so little that there is no reason to do a lockdown or anything else. -- John Ioannidis of Stanford wrote in a peer-reviewed article that was put on the WHO BulletinRead, li... read more
Do you pro-lockdown spineless pinheads get it yet?An elderly woman in Canada who was not suffering from any terminal or painful condition has been euthanized to avoid the effects of a second covid-19 lockdown. Read, listen or watch the rest her... read more
Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public... Dr. Hodkinson says.I'm a medical specialist in pathology which includes virology. I traine... read more
Anonymous said: Since Biden was declared the winner, the neo-fascists coming out of the woodwork. I was in Trader Joe's and my mask wasn't over my nose. Some shelf stacker took it upon himself to order me to cover my nose.Bill: I was asked by the woman behind the counter at Moe's Southwest Grill today at lunch to pull my mask u... read more
What if there are some powerful people in our world with no sense of morality or ethics?What if some of those people -- let's call them the power elite -- have risen to top positions in government and corporations?What if these elites at times band together in secret meetings to coordinate how they can ... read more
This ( now this, too? ) is why I never wanted to host this site on They have shut down Rappaport's site , saying ... read more
: Kristi Noem Reacts to Media's Obsession With Her Refusing to Lock Dow... read more
There is no pandemic. Here are some numbers in Texas:As of September 19th we have had 16,025 deaths reported as covid.In 2019 there were 189,166 total deaths from all causes so if you take the weeks, we are 73% through the year on September 19th. In turn this would equate to 138,091 deaths. As of September 19th we have had 128,17... read more
So, don't do ANYTHING based solely on their word. DIStrust and verify, especially when there is a power or profit motive. They're hoping you don't see the power motive inherent in this overblown health threat but, trust me, there is, and they have lost all credibility in the eyes of those who think for themselves. The plan was f... read more
...most people with covid-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms: test is totally u... read more
It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. -- Dr. Marcia Ang... read more
Only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda: South Dakota. So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to! Too bad the winters suck. Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas. :... read more
: action suit Serene Teffafa's Class Action Suit Against the covid Nonsense -- Gumshoe N... read more
This is great! Regular people standing up for common sense and decency against brain-dead enforcement of unnecessary rules. : read more
This push to cure and/or prevent a fake health threat (covid-19 is not a threat to most people) reminds me of the HPV vaccine that EVERY doctor has pushed to have our daughter inoculated against. If you don't know, human papillomavirus virus (HPV) has a miniscule chance of occurring, a miniscule chance of causing any problems if it does... read more
And most of those 3.7 percent don't feel particularly sick, definitely won't die, and neither will you!Among 3,410 close contacts, 3.7% were secondarily infected. Of those, 16.8% were mild, 73.1% moderate, 10.1% severe or critical.: targ... read more
Disgusting and stupid. You don't need to wear a mask if you're keeping your distance, especially outside.: read more
: /pages/life/health/covid/life / health / covid . Call me a conspiracy theorist. Go ahead, I dare ya. You know you want to. :) /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryindex.phpclick here for related articles.titleyour civil liberties -- cli... read more
Hilarious! It's in the air, and if you sense corona virus in the air, drop to the ground face-first!targetblank /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryinde... read more
I am very glad Trump made that order. See below.Here is something the WHO article I just got. Many of my posts were removed as false which means, obviously, WHO article is fake, right?So I hope ... read more
To what do they attribute the higher mortality in migrant neighborhoods? Nutrition?The 93 page scientific report by a combination of several German universities showed clearly that the total of deaths involving influenza like illnesses in Germany this year are 20% LESS than last year. You see the same right n... read more
This is an amazing biological discussion that will affect the health of all people -- MUST SEEZach Bush MD is a physician specialising in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognised educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food sy... read more
My attitude is simple: Wear a mask if you are worried, but leave the rest of us alone to breathe in peace. And, anyone who fell for this pandemic probably also fell for the Arabs with box-cutters and negligible flying skills pulled off the 9/11 attacks meme; Obama's hope and change or whatever he called his movement, and the Kennedy ... read more
The facts are: covid-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others -- mostly the elderly -- and does nothing to the vast majority. That's it. The scientists leading the coronavirus shutdown charge predicted that in America between 100,000 and 250,000 would die. They based those estimates... read more ... until it's taken down liberties g... read more
in case there's anything useful in here...An anonymous user suggests, Start taking 4 oregano oil capsules as soon as you start to get sick. See oil On 3/16/20 2:39 AMI am told it causes permanent lung damage... read more
Panic. Overreacting. Who needs terrorism when you have the news media to create a good old-fashioned panic?end of rantJust wash your hands regularly (as you should've been doing already) and don't touch any questionable people or objects with any part of your body (also as you should've been doing already). Wear a mask, if ... read more