Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+health+covid+treatment" in its title or subcategories. I GOT THE RONA... HERE'S HOW I SURVIVED( life / health / covid / treatment )
MELATONIN, EMF (AND COVID?)( life / health / covid / treatment )
ZINC IS THE BULLET... IT KILLS THE VIRUS( life / health / covid / treatment )
MELATONIN AS A COVID TREATMENT( life / health / covid / treatment )I was perplexed when I saw a local news story about melatonin use going up, that actually said nothing negative yet seemed, through printed headlines, to imply it's dangerous, if you didn't listen carefully. Then I found out it's good for preventing covid. read more HOME RECIPE FOR HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE (HCQ)( life / health / covid / treatment )
DR. RYAN: VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY( life / health / covid / treatment )
HCQ (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) INFO( life / health / covid / treatment )
HCQ (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) SCRIPS HERE( life / health / covid / treatment )If you want a scrip for hydroxychloroquine, you can get one here through Jerome Corsi's website: Just chanced on an over the air TV show by Steve Bannon called War Room Pandemic, but also available here: read more |