Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+health+fitness+research" in its title or subcategories. BEING OVERWEIGHT MEANS YOU LIVE LONGER( life / health / fitness / research )I guess the only diet most of us need to be on is non-GMO.The figures actually show that being 'overweight' is healthier than being 'underweight' or within the 'normal' BMI range -- and can lead to a longer life, Dr Malcolm Kendrick explains.... read more PEOPLE CAN BE FAT AND FIT( life / health / fitness / research )Good news!Nearly half of fat people are just as healthy as slim people -- and at no more risk of developing heart problems or cancer, researchers claim. Doing exercise can offset the dangers of being obese, the researchers found. The study -- which is the largest of its kind -- abolishes the notion that obesity au... read more |