Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+health+" in its title or subcategories.
In a move that environmental groups celebrated as a historic victory following years of campaigning to remove Roundup and similar weedkillers from store shelves, Bayer on Thursday announced that it will halt the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to consumers in... naturalblaze.c... read more
Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity.: read more
Symptoms of anaphylaxis usually involve more than one part of the body. Some symptoms include... here. See image read more
As more states and countries attempt to send children back to school amid the covid-19 pandemic, we have seen some utterly horrifying...: read more
Probably staring at any flickering screen: phone, computer, or TV.Researchers from the University of Groningen scoured DNA of more than 400,000 Britons for genetic locations linked to sedentary behaviour,such as...... read more
The study tested the urine of four diverse American families in Oakland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Baltimore after eating their typical diet of conventional food for six days and then after a controlled diet of all organic food for six days.Read, listen or watch ... read more
FYI:'s Instagram page I don't know about you but mosquitoes are crazy for me! Made some anti-itch cream. :) We shall see if it works! #herbal #apothecary #herbalremedies #handmade #kitchenwitch... read more
I took Chandler to titleanimal ark franklin tn vet this morning to get his teeth cleaned. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's actually very important, just like with humans. Anyway, because of road construction and morning rush-hour, it took forever to get there. The vet... read more
It might explain the relatively recent phenomena. : See also read more
I had knee surgery the other day. They removed my bursa sac that kept filling up with fluid due to an injury. The only thing I can figure is that it happened when I helped this neighbor kid stop his bike as he was coming down the hill, scared and saying, Help! I jumped in front of him and stopped him, but he and the bike were heavier, with mor... read more
This just in: and black pepper together read more