Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+health+vaccines+fraud" in its title or subcategories.
She probably still doesn't realize covid 19 is just the new name of the flu. But yeah, 2 heart attacks may be better than death for the willfully deaf and blind pharma religion zealots. At least she left that camp. here ... read more
Bill Gates needs to go back to whatever hell he slithered out of.Powerful groups including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) insist African farmers should follow the U.S. industrial agriculture model. The organizations have been trying to shape Africas food policies for decades, despite proof their intervent... read more
Here's an ad (different versions) now showing up in my email ( program. Will the stupidity never end? Yes, a mask MIGHT help if you are actively sneezing and coughing AND you're infected, but otherwise (99% of the time), no.
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:24:46 AM
This push to cure and/or prevent a fak... read more
The HPV vaccine Gardasil was granted European license in February 2006, followed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval that same year in June. Gardasil was controversial in the U.S. from the beginning, with vaccine safety activists questioning the quality of the clinical trials used to fast track the vaccine to licensu... read more