Below is everything (newest at top) with "life+help+maintenance+auto" in its title or subcategories. NEW CARS DESIGNED TO FALL APART( life / help / maintenance / auto )
SCOTTY KILMER EXPLAINS NEW CAR REPAIR( life / help / maintenance / auto )You probably can't fix it yourself, and your mechanic might not be able to, either. Almost a metaphor for our times. See Kilmer explains new car repair . By the way, this guy's great. In various places he says: Honda makes the best engines but Toyota makes the best... read more SHAKING WHILE BRAKING( life / help / maintenance / auto )Three and a half hours in the titlePep Boys hrefpepboys.comPep Boys waiting room is always time well-spent, wouldn't you agree? :) I'm home now, appreciating the comfort of my office chair, but Pep Boys seriously needs to consider putting more comfortable seats in their waiting area. I did g... read more AUTO REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ESTIMATES( life / help / maintenance / auto )We hear this is a good website to estimate how much a car repair should cost. : Repair and Maintenance Estimates Auto Shop and Mechanic Ratings : RepairPal .Rep... read more HOW TO REPLACE A HEADLIGHT BULB IN A HONDA ACCORD( life / help / maintenance / auto ) to Replace a Headlight Bulb in a Accord I just followed their instructions to fix my wife's headlight (after she got pulled o... read more |