IDENTIFYING ON FACEBOOKfrom 2023 in ( education / tech / internet / social )On FB I saw an ad for shoes that had a bit of copper on the bottom so the wearer could be 'grounded'. One person complained how expensive they are. I didn't bother to read up on it but here's my comment:For those who have left feet that identify as right feet and right feet that identify as left feet, I'm de... read more TWEETSfrom 2023 in ( education / tech / internet / social )Yes, striking a deal for lenience to get his masters would be great. And we must include the nearly zero honesty of justice.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:28 AM yeah, but what if joe grew some balls and started to rat on the whole system?On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:27:36 AM:Execution of pedo joe would be good... read more FACEBOOK ADMITS IN COURT ITS FACT-CHECKS ARE JUST THIRD-PARTY OPINIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / tech / internet / social )Facebook (a.k.a. Meta) has admitted in court that the fact-checks used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels which do not conduct any real fact-checking of information posted to the site. The evidence was revealed during the court proceeding for a defamation case filed by Stossel.&... read more ELON MUSK FLOODED WITH REQUESTS TO BUY FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN AND YOUTUBE TO RETURN FREE SPEECH TO THOSE PLATFORMSfrom 2022 in ( culture / humor / internet / social )If you came here looking for an actual article, you'll be disappointed. The title has more words than the article, or did until I wrote this sentence. This is a joke, though I wouldn't be surprised to hear this is actually happening. Elon never calls just to chat anymore, though, so I don't know.... read more THIS SORT OF THING IS WHY I QUIT FACEBOOK AND TWITTERfrom 2021 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )The tech giant continues to police discussions about the coronavirus.: removes covid 19 vaccine victims group... read more YOU CANNOT SIMPLY BUILD YOUR OWN FREE-SPEECH VERSION OF TWITTERfrom 2021 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )To build an alternate social media website with a dissenting moderation policy, you must first invent the universe. Good luck.: https:... read more THE QUEST FOR A FACEBOOK REPLACEMENT CONTINUESfrom 2020 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )I keep joining these other social networking sites, only to be disappointed. The main problem is they insist I upload my contact list, which I refuse to do. You're welcome. :) Maybe this one -- -- will work out. UPDATE: Not so much!Here are a few o... read more BRAND SUICIDE OR SAVVY PR MOVE? CEO OF FOOD GIANT GOYA PRAISES TRUMPfrom 2020 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )After the CEO of Hispanic food megabrand Goya spoke at the White House, demands to cancel the popular brand on social media have arisen met by equally furious pushback from the corporations defenders....: targetblank... read more FACEBOOK CREEPS ME OUTfrom 2017 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook, but here's what I've managed to salvage from back then.Every time Facebook shows me one of those notices saying something like Hey there, we've been going through all of your posts and thought you might like to share this compilation, I feel like I'm being approached by some creep... read more MY TWITTER POSTSfrom 2013 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook, but title@TheBillHolmes favorite tweets href/pages/tweets-post/here's what I've managed to salvage from back then. ... read more COURT TO FEDS: EXPLAIN MARINE'S FACEBOOK POSTINGS ARRESTfrom 2013 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )Brandon Raub's case exposes the seedy underbelly of a governmental system that continues to target military veterans for expressing their discontent over America's rapid transition to a police state, said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. ... read more LOST A FRIENDfrom 2013 in ( culture / humor / internet / social )No, not that kind of lost (knock on wood).But, don't you hate it when you're walking along talking to someone, it's crowded, you hear a muffled scream but think nothing of it, only to realize several blocks down the street that your friend is no longer walking beside you? You've been talking to a homeless person for... read more SOME FACEBOOK USERS DISLIKE BEING USED IN ONLINE ADVERTISINGfrom 2012 in ( culture / tech / internet / social )Some Facebook users 'dislike' being used in online advertising.: advertising for Mitt Romney ... read more |